Monday, January 13, 2014

Hello? I have a call coming in. I'll have to text you later.

 So Rick and I took the girls to Best Buy and we happened to stop near the phone display.
 We were on one side talking about cell phones with a store employee.
 When I overhear the girls having a conversation on the other side.  
 It was hilarious.  They went on and on chatting with each other on their "phones".  
 It's scary how much they know to say and how grown up they sound.
Hmmm...I wonder why Caroline put on her preschool paper  "While I"m at preschool my mommy is...talking on the phone."  Perhaps we set the example.  I only wish I had recorded this little event.  Too, too funny.   I'd write more, but I have to go check on my phone now!

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