Sunday, June 20, 2010


Well, it's really 8 months and one week, but hey....we've been on vacation!

I can't believe how big she is getting. She's learning new things daily. We seem to love peek-a-boo, books, dollbaby, the dog, the pool, and playing with the sippee cup. She just started making funny faces with her mouth & tongue. I wonder if she's feeling around for teeth. Nothing poking through yet. She was an incredible little traveler while we made the trek to the OBX and back. What a good kid! She loved spending time with some of her cousins. She is jabbering like crazy- lots of Dada's and baba's. When you ask her where Daddy or Grandpa is, she turns her head to them and smiles. She's not a fan of fruits- makes funny faces every time. She does enjoy her veggies though, and makes little mmm-mm sounds as she eats. She is starting to 'toss' the toys as she loses interest in them. No crawling yet, but lots of sitting and rolling. And when you ask her how big she is and say Soooo Big, she'll lift her arms up high and smiles! She's just like her parents- social. She loves kids, babies, and men. And anyone who talks to her gets a big gummy grin. She LOVES music- kicks the feet, flaps the arms and moves constantly. I even caught her sitting and bopping up and down to the beat today! What a lovable, goofy girl! Who's got attitude?
Giggling for Mommy!
Is there added fiber in this?
I love my blankies!

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