Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thirteen months going on three!

I can't believe how this girl is growing! She seems to pack all her milestones into one weekend! She is taking milk from her sippee cup instead of the bottle...gosh this makes her seem so old to me. I miss cuddling up with those bottles.
We have 4 teeth coming through on top -finally! She's going to look so different with teeth in that mouth.
She says hi and bye bye now and waves to everyone/everything. When you take her up to bed she waves night-night to her toys. She growls when you ask her what the lion says, points to things when you call them by name. She knows how to find certain toys, her hair, her fingers, toes, and is a total sponge learning new things daily. She dances at mention of the word dance or at the sound of music. She says baby every time there's one in a book, magazine, or on tv..or if she sees herself in the mirror.
She's pulling herself up on everything she can, and today I caught her standing up for a few minutes unsupported. It won't be long til we're walking at this rate. And the steps were her newest discovery today. She ventured all the way up to step 5 without me knowing it!
I was trying to snap a picture of those top teeth. You can see how cooperative she was here!
And this is generally what we like to do while eating...put our hands in the hair. Just imagine how fun this is with mashed banana between your fingers!
Where does the time go? It seems like she'll have Algebra figured out by next week!

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