Sunday, June 26, 2011

Never a dull moment...

So, it's time for the three month photo shoot....and I thought stickers might keep big sister busy. So far, so good....

Um,...not exactly what I had in mind.

Lucy handles her new 'style' with grace.

Well, at least I can still take head shots!

Looks like Caroline wants to try out the pillow herself.

Admiring her sister's sticker.

And admiring her sister!

Sweet kisses!

I'll just lay down so Mommy will take my picture also.

Then I'll go empty the diapers from the nursery and bring them to Mommy.

Hey Look! I found a round photo that looks like Lucy's naturally I'll place it on her tummy where the sticker goes!

While digging in Mommy's office, I found some interesting I'll read it to Lucy now.

But the very best part of all this nonsense and craziness behind the that Lucy belted out her first real her big sister Caroline. Too cute!

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