Sunday, October 30, 2011

SEVEN MONTHS! (and five days)

Where does the time go?

Our little girl is growing by leaps and bounds!

Weighing in at over 19 lbs and healthier by the day!

I wish I could freeze this time. They are so sweet and cuddly at this age and every little thing I do makes her so happy!

Drool much?

I love every little wrinkle on those legs, and those bright, beautiful eyes!

And just look at all that hair! With the helmet on it's hard to notice what's going on underneath. She's even had a few sprouts coming through the holes of the helmet. There are even a few curls forming at the nape of her neck.

"Take my picture, too"

After Caroline went down for her nap, Lucy and I tried again.

Full of joy....and teeth!

There's that happy face!
There's some gorgeous babyness right there!

Yum. Doesn't get much better than this.

I can feel the ornery oozing through the computer screen. Yep. This one's gonna have some spunk!

Oh so sweet.My fave.

This one too.

Eyelash heaven.

Oh our sweet Lucy Bug, at seven months couldn't be sweeter. You can sit up on your own for a little while before you bobble over. You are still a champion sleeper from 7pm - 6am. You are eating 3 solid meals a day, and you still prefer those fruits, and you still spit the veggies. You giggle at your sister, sit and smile in awe of your Daddy and look for Mommy each morning when you wake. You roll very well from tummy to back and now it doesn't make you as mad as it did. Now you will grab a toy and just lay there and play and talk. You are starting to roll back to're almost there. Your wardrobe is changing from your six month duds to the nine and twelve month. You love books, mirrors, the dog, and musical toys. You explore everything with your mouth. You love your Sophie the Giraffe teether. When you're in your carseat, you love to look over at Caroline and giggle at her. When you're tired or mad, we definitely know. Stay this sweet little one. I want you to snuggle like this forever.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sweet sisters on a Saturday

Every time we put Lucy down for "tummy time" (as her big sister says), Caroline jumps right down to join the party. They amaze me when they're so sweet like this!

Caroline decides it would be fun to read to Lucy.

And Lucy decides she'd like to have that book....all to herself! I think our sweet sisterly moment is done now!


Just look at these pictures and tell me you're not impressed!

Oh yes. This girl can hold a phone conversation, and work on her laptop at the same time. I think there was some singing involved in there too. I guess she comes by this naturally. These are things both her parents do very well, and very often.


Lucy has been working hard these past few weeks. She's been sprouting her two front teeth.

Not only the top two, but also on the bottom!

Wow! We didn't even realize she had been up to such work. She's been so easy going about it. Just hand her plenty of toys to gnaw on and she's one happy girl. Actually...she's pretty much happy all the time. What a sweetie. And what fun to photograph with those teeth hanging down!

Twick or Tweet

Here's our li'l Ladybug all snuggled up in her seat. It was a brisk morning!

Caroline enjoys her trick or treat time and loved getting candy!

We decided it might work best with our schedule to try the trick or treat uptown "Scarysville" this year.

This cuddly bunny sure was a hit!

And she wouldn't let go of that grape sucker for anything!The 'afterglow.'

Goofing off with the gourds.

Pure cuteness!

Dancing at the front door is always fun.


Lucy the Ladybug was much happier inside where it was warm.

Can you say sober?

A cheesy grin for Mommy.

And what better way to end this post, than a sideways video of a bunny dancing?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tutu Fun!

This girly session was tons of fun. We may have to do this again since we had such a good time.

My friend Kelly loaned me the oh-so-girly quilt last week for the party, and cousin Lin had sent us the girly garb, so today we put them all to use.

As you can tell, Lucy is really into this...or perhaps more into those teeth that are sprouting up in her mouth this week. Caroline is very much into the feathers, not so much into cooperating.

I just love this one. Lucy sitting in piles of feathers and tulle while Caroline roams around in the background.

Now that's a bit more like it.

I'm still working on adjusting those camera settings. Maybe once I get them figured out we'll do this photo shoot again.

Time for some girly fun.

Ta da!

Now Caroline only wants to smack her sister in the head with feathers. Well, at least they're only feathers, Lucy.

Baby love.

So silly.

Well you try to get two moving subjects perfectly still and looking at the camera at the same time and happy!

I love how Lucy just deals with it...she just lets it roll.

Little Miss Personality

Well, at least they're both still and looking at me now.

Sometimes it's easiest just to focus on one at a time!

Caroline's back...she is insisting on laying back down next to Lucy again.

And we still had some fun after we got dressed in our clothes.

Peek a boo!

Fun with feathers!

Another one of my faves. Lucy just relaxes and lets her big sis do her thing.

Tu-tu fun!

Love this one too. Well maybe there are some good shots here after all.

Either way, it was tons of fun.

Caroline is still saying "feathers" and "fun" to me.

Thanks, Lin. It was a hit for sure!