Monday, December 26, 2011


Where did that month go?

I am more amazed by this little one each day. She's so strong and inquisitive. If she's something she wants, she goes for it and you'd better not get in her way!

And at 21 lbs, she's likely to win!

How about a buggy hat for our Lucy Bug?

I do believe she likes it!

Thanks, Aunt Wendy! It's a winner in my book!

Cutest. Buggy. Ever.

At nine months, your little personality is really starting to show.

You are happy pretty much all the time, and you especially love your big sister.

You are rolling all over the place to get what you want, and just this week you started to 'army crawl' to move yourself around.

You taste everything and you get excited when I pull out 'puffs' for you to eat. You love peek a boo, singing, television, and anything that lights up and sings to you. Every time you get that helmet off you reach up and grab your hair and ears, you love to be tickled, and you love it when we talk to you or nuzzle you close. You just jabber in your crib when you are awake and are happy all the time.

Time for some close ups with that new lens. Love this whole set. They make meel feel like I know what I'm doing behind that camera, even though I think I just get lucky taking shots. Hello Blue Eyes!

Do I look like my Daddy?

Or Mommy?

I think you just look like Lucy! You're a good combo, kid!

Love those eyes! It doesn't matter who you look like - we love you and we'll keep you! Now can you please stay like this forever? Pretty, pretty please??

We're in love a little more each day. Come play if you think you can steal her away! In the meantime, you can just visit the blog to gush with us!

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