Monday, March 7, 2011

Baby update

We're at 36 weeks and counting....

Looks like this baby is coming in March. We have a c/section scheduled for the 25th unless baby decides to make an earlier appearance. I'm now going to the OB twice weekly and have yet another ultrasound scheduled on the 14th. As of last week's ultrasound we are at 6lb 7oz. already. There's a lot of fluid around baby so that's why I'm getting all the extra love and attention. It's also why my mid section is absolutely HUGE these days. For those of you who love math games, I'm about 14.5 squares of TP around my middle. Yes, I really just checked and measured for myself. With Caroline, I was always around 13 - 13.5 squares around. Now I know you're dying to go count it out and try it on for size, aren't you? And for those of you wondering if it makes a difference, I believe it's Angel Soft brand...

Go ahead, you know you want to see how big we are..... Please, just tell me I'll be able to paint my toes again soon!

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