Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Oh my, hugeness!

My apologies if you need to scratch your eyes out after viewing these..just had to capture this jumbo-ness. As of Monday baby weighs 7 lb 13oz, is 'large for gestational age', and is swimming around in lots of amniotic fluid...hence, the belly. Oh, dear have my permission to come ANY DAY NOW! Mommy is done with pregnancy! I think I'll like your chubby little cheeks much better on the outside world, don't you? Nine.more. days!

1 comment:

  1. Oh darlin' bless your heart! Can't wait to hear the big news!!! Thinking of ya...and hey if you can't sleep well, as I'm supposing you can't, I'm up most nights working, feel free to call for a chat! ha!
