Monday, August 8, 2011

St. Joe was a real "SPLASH"

After the Carousel ride and a walk out to the beach, we decided to check out the splash park. This was Caroline's first visit at one, and boy was it a hit!

She jumped right in, fully clothed, and loved every minute.


She had so much fun running to all of the spouts- she was hilarious.

She would run around to all the kids saying "Waga" like she couldn't believe there was water coming from the ground.

Then she'd run out to me and say "Hi Mommy. Waga" and run right back in!

She had everyone around us laughing and watching her. Wish I'd had the video camera with us.

What incredible fun. We made plans at that moment to spend more of our time at Michigan visiting the splash pad. Stay tuned!

And this was our fun ride back to the hotel following the splash pad. Did I forget to mention that someone only took an hour nap today?

It's not obvious, is it? Fun times!

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